Pus​hing Textiles  Forward through technology-



Currently on display at The 14th Factory Gallery in Los Angeles, Kniterature is 15 meters of knitted magazines and books by artist Movanna Chen.  Movanna learned how to knit as a child in order to send knit goods to her brothers and sisters away at school.  She became an accountant and one day while shredding documents and reflecting on her training in fashion, thought of trying to knit using the shredded paper goods.  The shredded paper has to be knitted using several plys unlike wool that can be knitted using a single ply yarn.  Movanna has knitted dresses, enclosed herself in her creations and stood in public places to see what would happen.  Many people looked, a few, particularly older people asked her what she was doing.  She has also brought groups of people together, taught them how to knit, then let the conversation flow.  A way to generate conversation and look at how we view fashion and the media in a new light.


Who:  Movanna Chen

What:  Fabric Art Knitting Conversations, Magazine Art, KNITerature

When:  April, 2017

Where:  The 14th Factory, Los Angeles, CA

Why:  To refine the way we see fashion and the media

How:  Knitting with shredded magazines and books